RackForms v7.8.8
add user
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Add User

In Brief: Add a new user to RackForms.

Dependencies: none.

Hints & Tricks: Users can be set to have one of two possible permissions: Full Admin and Production Worker.


User Name
New users login name.

User Email

Email account of new user.

New Password

Type a new password in this box. A password strength meter appears below this box to give you an idea of how secure the password is. The easiest way to make a safe password is to use two of each: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters such as # and %. The longer the password the better, but a good target to shoot for is 9-10 characters. An example of a safe password would be oA2tty$2r!

Retype Password

Type the same password as entered above.

User Privilege Level

Select from very limited accounts (Production Worker) to full admin.

Full Admins are like your original account, they see all jobs from all users and have full access to all features.

Basic Production Workers only see and edit jobs they create, and have limited access to user account administration. Also, they can create but not delete jobs.

The next two levels expand upon the production worker by allowing update entry privileges in the Entry Viewer and at level 7, the ability to delete jobs.

Click 'Update Account' when finished, RackForms will check your submission, and provided no errors are found, your account information will be updated.

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