Home > Page Elements
Pages are the bread and butter of all RackForms jobs. When you create a page, you are providing a canvas to place all items for that page type on. Thier are 3 main page types, each has a special use.
Please select an element from below to learn more:
Type | Description |
Form |
Form pages are the basic building blocks of a RackForms job. They contain the input fields we'll present to users during data collection. Form pages default to what we call sortable layout mode (a list), though can also be free-form, where elements are placed in specific locations. Form page elements can be anything from simple text input fields and checkboxs to digital signature items. |
Confirmation or submission pages are where you tell RackForms what to do with a form submission, along with what to display to the user. For example, we can save a submission to a custom database table and email the form user a receipt of confirmation. | |
Unlike form pages that collect information from users, Builder pages are for showing users existing data. These pages, when combined with Form pages in particular, create a power application engine where we can both collect and show user data. Builder pages employ a powerful and automated template system, where we simply provide a database table to query from and RackForms does the rest! |